Friday, April 1, 2011

Sleepy Ladies (Tylenol PMd It)

 Sleepless nights suck!!  I've been having a bunch of them lately so thought I'd take Beyonce's "Single Ladies" song and revamp it to better suit my needs.  Sing along if you're feeling me...  

All the sleepy ladies! (all the sleepy ladies) 
All the sleepy ladies! (all the sleepy ladies)        
Now throw your covers off!                                                                                                     Up in the night, just woke up, I'm sweatin' like it's 115!                                               Did I set the alarm code? Damn I feel old!                                                                     
Guess I'm watchin' some mindless TV.                                                                              
I'm up all night. Makes me quite a morning sight.                                                    I'm livin' sleep dep-ri-va-tion!                                                                                                 
Been cryin' my tears, for 2 bad years,                                                                                 I deserve sleep to come nat-ur-ally!!   
 If I want it, then I shoulda Tylenol PMd it!                                                                      If I like it, then I shoulda Tylenol PMd it!                                                                Martini or Margarita might do  it...                                                                                But if I need it, then I shoulda Tylenol PMd it!!         
WUH-oh, oh, oh, oh, oh oh!  NOW I'm cold, Uh, oh, oh, OH!                              
 I had a margarita on my lips. A burrito's stickin' to my hips.                               And now my pants are always tight on me!                                                                  My gut's actin' up cause I had drink in my cup!                                                             Hey, don't sit there and judge on me!                                                                                  I need no permission, didn't I mention,                                                                                I've got major sleep dep-ri-va-tion!                                                                                     My tummy takes a turn, and I'm startin' to learn,                                                 Sleeps the one thing I miss 'bout being 20!!                                                                                               

If I want it, then I shoulda Tylenol PMd it!                                                                       If I like it, then I shoulda Tylenol PMd it!                                                                            Martini or a Margarita might do it...                                                                              but if I need it, then I shoulda Tylenol PMd it!!  
WUH-oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!  Laundry I'll fold...Uh, oh, oh, OH!                                        
 (My big diva solo...)                                                                                                              DON'T push that homeopathic stuff onto me world!                                                                                                                                                  I'm not that Suzanne Sommers girl!             
OTC meds are what I prefer.  What I deserve...                                                             Is a pill that's easy on me... then takes me... and delivers me                                 To a dreamland destiny to infinity and beeeyoooond!                                                Eight hours ain't so long. Sweet sleep inside my home.                                          But if I don't...                                                                                                                          "Was that a noise? Ugh, IT was a snore!"                                                                        And then Poof!  Sleep is gone!!!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          (Now everybody..)  
All the sleepy ladies! (all the sleepy ladies) 
All the sleepy ladies! (all the sleepy ladies)     
Now your covers back on!                                                                                                      WUH-oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!  THIS GETS OLD, oh, oh, OH!!                     

Good night everybody!  Sweet, sweet slumber and happy dreams!!

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