Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The C.R.A.P. Is Back!

I'm loving the feedback from my friends on blog tips and suggestions.  It spurs the flow of creativity, which has always been a part of me.  I was reminded that back in the day (like last year), when I was in the middle of my undiagnosed and improperly treated illness hell, I used to post occasional quips I called my Calming Reaffirmations And Positivities (C.R.A.P.)  Being a sarcastic Queenie, I would zing out little bits of humorous bullsheesh in an attempt to keep me out of the depths of despair in the midst of some seriously scary medical frustrations.

Well, this year is different for me.  I can't help but carry the wounds and scars (many of them literally after 3 abdominal surgeries), but I am desperate to look forward, rebuild, heal, move on, get a grip, think of something new, get over it,  yada yada yada... So when I got an email requesting some of my C.R.A.P. and S.H.I.T. (Serious Health Interest Topics) be posted on my blog,   I'm kind of ashamed to admit that I had forgotten all about them.  They were part of my small lifeline to sanity, along with the Dolly Lamba (stuffed animal) and the Medical Magic 8 Ball (medical decision aid) that I used to navigate the scariest years I hope to ever know.  Shame on me for tossing my loyal aids aside now that I'm not in dire health needs!

It's time to bring back the C.R.A.P.!  As soon as I figure out how to separate it from the blog pack, it will have it's own space of honor on this site.  Little quips and ramblings that I come across or pass through my head that I'd love to blurt out in public if I thought anyone would listen.  I hope you like them and feel free to add a tasteful C.R.A.P. of your own if the moment so moves you :-)

Today's Calming Reaffirmations And Positivities (C.R.A.P.) ~  "Stay busy, get plenty of excersize, and don't drink too much.  Then again, don't drink too little."  ~Herman Smith-Johannsen

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