Saturday, April 23, 2011

Pretty In Peeps

 Pretty In Peeps:  1 part Raspberry Vodka, 2 parts Blood Orange Italian Soda. Add with ice to a shaker, twist and shout, and pour into pretty glass.  Add pink Peep to top of glass with a straw and enjoy the instant sunshine!

Springtime is in the air (in theory- it's been cold, wet, and frigidly breezy most of this spring so far where I am, but hey, I'll play along!)  A renewal of life (well, I mean let's not go crazy here, I'm renewing life and all, but let's keep it in perspective, this ain't no cake walk.)  Easter hops to us like a cute fuzzy little bunny (that sometimes craps on you) with the warm glow of rebirth, and a spiritual awakening.

So speaking of warmth and spirits, I made up a special cocktail for the occasion while staring at an 18 pack of Peeps wondering what the hell those are really good for (not a fan!)  I've been thinking about how different this Easter will be then in the past 8 years.  No Easter party at our house, no epic egg hunt, surrounded by friends and family.  Instead, this year my small little family of 3 will be muscling our way through the buffet line at a mexican restaurant and hanging out at the Angel's game trying to pretend that summer is getting closer and closer.  I've had to come to the conclusion that sometimes, I just don't have the umph to do what I used to and what I still might want to do.  Yup, the old grey mare ain't what she used to be (hate that expression, by the way.)   When life sidetracks you or points you in a new direction, it's good to take notice and adjust to the new course ahead, never giving up on yourself, but realizing that change is not only a part of life, but a necessary one. Which brings me back to spirits and warmth.

I love a good cocktail here and there (wherever I can grab one!)  While I am mainly a beer and wine kind of gal, I am a sucker for a festive martini.  Mind you, I said "festive" not "tasty" "strong" or "stiff."   The one thing I love most about martinis is the look.  It's like picking your wine by the label,  I adore a great looking martini.  The glassware, the garnishes, pretty colors, and yes, it should be delish, but after a few sips, I can overcome that if it looks great.  Why, you may ask?!?  Because this Queenie loves a splash of color and liveliness in her Queeniedom.  It's so easy to get bogged down with the machine of life, but a great cocktail can magically transport you to another time, another era, another place, even if for a bit.  Mind you, 2 or 3 martinis can really transport you somewhere else, that might not be so pretty, so I'm not advocating that necessarily.  But, at the right moment, a fabulous martini can take the place of a bubble bath, a massage, or a spur of the moment jet away to Europe.

Which, once again, brings me back to warmth, spirits, springtime, Easter, and those dang Peeps that are everywhere this time of year.  While this year's Easter holiday will be different, I'm still a creative gal who misses the outlet of prepping for the big Easter bash.  Soooooo, I made up a new cocktail instead:  Pretty In Peeps!  A fruity, yummy splash of spring guaranteed to melt away the chill in the air and transport you to a land of sugary happiness, if only for an hour of the day!  Perhaps, you too, will find yourself knee deep in marshmallow nastiness and vodka and in need of a little vacay on your Easter Sunday.  If so (and you're of age, of course), stop what you're doing,  make a Pretty In Peeps and count the blessings that surround you (we all have them!) 

Now this is just my simple recipe that I found extra divine, but you may have your own favorite Easter or spring cocktail and I would love to hear about it!  Bonus points if it includes Peeps (did you know Peeps soaked in booze are MUCH better-true story, try it for yourself!)  There's even a great website for Peep Cocktails if you're interested:  Check it out!!  Cheers to good health and happiness to all of you in Queenies & Martinis Land!!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, nice site - and thanks for the mention! (if you subscribe at, maybe you'd like to enter our next contest... the last one just ended, and some lucky reader won 4 Gross of Peeps :)
