Tuesday, September 11, 2012

A Thank You Note For My Guys...

I am beyond fortunate to live with two of the best supporters in the world, my husband and my son...my guys!  Day in and day out, they have both been the ones to witness and react to the ever changing and often scary effects that my illnesses inflict on my body. It's hardly a week that goes by without my husband having to work from home, call in sick, or try to figure out on the fly if this is now the moment where we once again trot off to the ER for a pointless round of "gee we don't know what to do for her."  My son has urgently brought me gatorades and salt shakers, without being asked, just because he's seen the scenario of my rapid declines into syncope over and over and over again.  No matter how hard I try to rally, my body and these illnesses remind me that I am no longer in control and free will is not so free anymore.  Even the beagle, my unofficial third guy, has watched me with a look of concern more times than I can count over the last several years, laying his head down by my hands when we're alone to let me know he's on guard.  These guys are my day to day support system, they are my lifeline, and they are the main reason I carry hope so strongly.  I want to have better days not just for myself, but for them as well...they deserve every inch of fight I have within me.

I thank them daily, but given that it's Invisible Illness Awareness Week, I thought now would be the perfect time to thank them publicly.  You see, their roles are invisible too. They are part of the silent army of caretakers that help take on extra duties and expanded roles to help the ones they love get through the hardest of days.  It is a very difficult position to be in to watch someone you love suffer or struggle and not know exactly what to do to fix it, rolling with the punches one day at a time, moment by moment.  So for my guys, this note is for you....
 My Dearest Guys~

Two simple words that carry the entire meaning in my heart: thank you!  Thank you for working extra hard at school and at work.  Thank you for carrying me into my bed when I pass out in the car over and over and over again.  Thank you for making dinner, for picking up prescriptions, for helping me keep our home tidy.  Thank you for not judging me when I can't seem to get out of bed.  Thank you for loving me, when I seem a shell of my former self.  Thank you for inspiring me to want to fight my physical battles each and every day.  Thank you for holding me when I can't seem to stop crying.  Thank you for making me laugh and smile, on the good days and the bad. Thank you for all you sacrifice each and every day for the sake of our lil family.  Thank you for not blaming me for all that my illnesses have taken away from us.  And thank you...thank you from the bottom of my soul for waking up each morning with hope in your hearts knowing that nothing lasts forever and every day is a blessing because we have each other.

I love you always~
Your Queenie

Today marks the 11th anniversary of 9/11 and I just wanted to tell my guys thank you. Today is a blessing, and so are they! 

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