Monday, March 28, 2011

Suck It Up Kiddo!

So, I'm a middle aged mom.  VERY stereotypical...I guess.   I've got a great husband, a fabulous kid, wonderful friends, perfect dog, nice home, I stay at home, I am on the PTA, I drive a whatever those new SUV type cars are.  Basically, I'm average.  I started this blog, however, because the last two years of my life have been anything but magical. The last two years have properly plucked me out of my quaint, sheltered, suburban lifestyle and dropped me on my ass in the middle of what I often thought must be a form of hell.  I know I am not alone.  I know the last couple of years, maybe more, have thrown a ton of challenges to most of you out there.  You might not have my circumstances, but I bet you can rattle off a whole slew of issues that have come into your life that you didn't quite think you had signed up for. 

I've had to strip down life and reflect on what really, truly matters.  I guess it must be different for everyone, but for me it really clarified what is and what is not important.  As a side note, I've got two years worth of complaining and analyzing that I can share with you, but I thought I'd start out simple with an expression my mom used to always tell me (and I frankly hear myself tell my kid): "Suck it up kiddo!" "Develop a tougher skin!"  "No one said life would be easy...(now everyone chime in with me)...or FAIR!"  Yup, I'm sure we've all heard it, and when you get to my age, you think you kind of figured it out. Well, I quickly learned that I didn't quite have life down pat like I thought I did. 

It makes me think, how do you "suck it up?!?"  Since my early 20's, I've turned to walking, more specifically, long distance walking.  It's been a coping mechanism that I can always turn to when I need to clear my mind, work the kinks out of my body, and feel like I have control and can accomplish something great.  I've done 2 marathons and one 1/2 marathon, all with my loving husband before my surgical hysterectomy and subsequent health decline 2 years ago.  During these last couple of years, while trying to find answers and help for my rapid decent into immobility, the one activity I could always count on, walking, was not available to me.  I would try and try, but my body just couldn't respond. It forced me to look elsewhere for help and support to get me through my dark days.  That's when I discovered not only the strength of my immediate family and closest friends, but the power of social networking.  It became a lifeline for the long and lonely days I would be laying in my bed.  I had no interest in electronic socializing before, but when my world came crashing down, I couldn't get enough of it!  It never replaced my beloved walking, but Facebook became my new BFF!  I even hosted Virtual Happy Hours when I couldn't talk (ugh) or maintain any form of stamina (double ugh)!!  It was a blessing that no matter what I was going through, someone on the other side of the iPhone or computer was there to help me "suck it up" and get on to the next day.

I'm happy to report that I eventually found the medical care I needed that is helping me get back on track, thanks to the Mayo Clinic.  I'm also thrilled to be out walking again and happy to report that through determination and grit, I finished another marathon (that's a whole other post).   It's good to take stock of what you need to do to "suck it up" when hard times come.  I know a little more about me now as a result.  I'd love to hear what helps you stay strong when times are hard and any feedback you might have on the subject.

1 comment:

  1. Your awesome and inspirational Barb!! Thanks for sharing a few tears and a lot of laughs!! <3
